F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way

In some ways I can understand why saying "f**k it" is equated to the ultimate spiritual way. When we say "f**k it" we begin to appreciate all that life has to offer, taking the good with the bad and accepting that both are necessary parts of life. These two words can, according to the author, offer a freedom and release that are equal to most religious or spiritual disciplines but without the judgment of I'm right and you're wrong and therefore will burn in hell. By saying these two words and living with the philosophy they embody, you can learn to eliminate worry, a desire for things and end with being satisfied with who you are as a person, where you are and what you are doing.
Mr. Parkin does explain, quite nicely and often with a humorous twist, how one should say "f**k it" to jobs, family, friends, etc. He isn't saying that you have to give up your job (unless you want to) or your friends and family (again unless you want to), but rather by saying these words to these situations and people we release any ability they may have to cause us stress. Other than the profane word choice, I don't find that this is all that different from others in recent years, such as "don't sweat the small stuff" or even "let go and let God." Having said that, if the more traditional religious/spiritual paths (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Taoism, etc.) aren't for you, then this may offer a starting point to being able to let go, relax and enjoy the ups and downs that is life.